Jogging – Top 10 health benefits of Jogging

benefits of jogging
Survival of fittest is always there

These days’ humans have become like a machine. Sitting for too long and working for many hours at one place without any physical motion is harmful. This lifestyle is leading to various diseases. These side-effects can be seen after the age of 30-40 years. Humans can be living healthy life only if they are in motion. Jogging every day for minimum 4-6 kilometres can act as a blessing for healthy body. There are numerous benefits of it that can get you healthy and fit body for longer age.

Following are some benefits of jogging to keep you motivated.

Healthy Heart: Jogging is the best cardiovascular activity. It strengthens the blood vessels, lungs and heart because of which healthy body can exist. Doing it regularly will help us to inhale more oxygen and pump more oxygenated blood to our body. It will result in increasing energy and endurance as well.

Reduce the risk of chronic diseases: Jogging is very helpful in reducing the risk of Chronic disease. Studies have shown that it increases healing process, strength and recovery. It reduces the risk related to diseases like diabetes, heart issues, fatty liver etc.

Mental Fitness: Regular joggers can get benefit of increase in the concentration level due to high oxygen flow to brain. It helps to get rid of stress by giving you an escape from daily work pressure. It stimulates the release of Endorphins which are hormones responsible for promoting a happy feeling and refreshing the mood.

Strong immune system: If someone wants to keep infection and sickness at bay then jogging is the best way to do that. Researches have shown that people who jog daily are having higher levels of white blood cells (WBC) .These white blood cells are responsible for fighting with infections and diseases. It also improves the circulation of these cells to whole body which results into healthy body.

Helps in Fat loss: Jogging is the best exercise to burn calories and get rid of unwanted fat from the body. So, You can always burn extra calories by doing it every morning for 15-20 minutes. It can help you to burn 700 to 900 calories in an hour. This will help you to get rid of unwanted fat and stay fit with perfect shape which everyone will admire.

Strong Bones: Sitting at one place can make you feel very lethargic. Jogging can strengthen your muscles. Though, it does not make the muscles grow or bulge much in tendons but it will make your bones stronger. Just keep a healthy diet with it to feel strong and get desired stamina.

Better Sleep: Many people do not know that Jogging can also improve the quality of your sleep as well. Exposure to natural light in the morning can be helpful in enhancing the sleep cycles.  You should finish this exercise with a cool down to help your body come under resting stage.

Life Expectancy: Studies have shown that regular joggers have increased life expectancy. Regular joggers with healthy diet can increase their life span by five to six years as compared to non-joggers and unhealthy lifestyle.  It can increase your mobility and prevents age related health disorders.

Increases Vitamin-D levels: Regular Joggers can get sufficient amount of Vitamin-D from natural source which is The Sun. Vitamin-D is also known as sunshine vitamin. It is produced by the skin under the exposure to sunlight. This vitamin is responsible for strong bones and teeth. As you know it is an outdoor exercise, it will help you to naturally enhance your Vitamin D levels.

Personal Control: Jogging in the morning makes you feel fresh & active for the whole day. So,This will result into increase in the confidence level and greater control over your life.


It is not completely possible to avoid the current lifestyle issues due to high work pressures and responsibilities. But, you can give yourself some good habits that can lead to a healthy and fit body. Taking time for your body from your busy schedule is must.So, One should make a rule of being physically active. This will bring best of you at the end.

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