Is there any Super Food for Dogs? The scorching summer heat is upon us and on our pets like cat and dog. Your dogs are the most precious that you have. Being responsible, you should watch out for your dog’s diet and ensure a cooling yet healthy meal to keep them hale and hearty.
Let us not deny that we all love summers as much as we hate them. Most of us are fond of summers for their juicy fruits and vegetables – yes, only for the season’s prominent fruits and vegetables. Your dog will not only love eating them but also can beat that summer heat in style. So let’s look at the summer special fruits and veggies that are safe to feed your darling doggos this summer. The American Kennel Club has acknowledged foods for summer that are safe to feed your furry babies. Serve a platter full of these super foods to your dogs this summer and see them enjoy the goodness with a smacking lip.
Best Food For Dogs In Summer
Carrots: Carrots are a portion of highly nutritious food and safe, natural treats for your dogs. Its crunchy texture makes it a flavoured and a wholesome food for your dogs at any time of the day. Its fibre content, vitamin k1, potassium, and anti-oxidants make it a nourishing food for your dog. This makes the food light on your pet’s tummy and a great summer super food for your dogs.
Yogurt: Who does not love a bowl full of yogurt in these hot and sultry noons? Even our furries do. Yogurt is highly nutritious and excellent for your dog’s digestive health, especially during the summer days. As yogurt is rich in proteins, calcium, vitamins, and probiotics it is a highly rich super food for dogs this summer. A bowl of yogurt will keep your dog’s body cool throughout the day. Try giving your dogs a glass of lassi with a pinch of honey and see them relishing the delectable drink like never before. Do not add salt or sugar as it may irritate your dog’s digestive tract.
Watermelon: Chop of the seeds and the pieces of this succulent fruit makes for an ideal summer treat for the dog. Watermelons are hydrating in nature and are packed with fibre, potassium, vitamins A, B6, and C. As watermelons are 90% water, this fruit serves as an excellent way to beat the heat!
Fish: Like chicken, our furries love fish too. But not all fishes are good for them. Light sea fishes like Rohu or Katla are ideal as summer super foods for your dogs. It is better to give your dogs a plate full of rice and fish as lunch instead of chicken. Since fish breed in water, it is a light food and helps in keeping the body cool. Chicken, on the other side, heats the body and hence should be avoided during hot weather. Besides, fish is rich in high vitamins and minerals, and being a lightweight food will also help keep your dog’s body cool. Remember to exclude the fish bones and the oily skin from the fish.
Eggs: All of you are aware of the nutrition that an egg provides. However, many of you think that egg is a body heating food and we should avoid eating them during summers. Since eggs are high in proteins and omega 3 fatty acids, you must not miss out on feeding eggs to your most beloved furries in summers too. Eggs are yet another super food for dogs and must be fed at least 1 egg thrice a week. You may feed them one whole egg or two white eggs portion by removing the yolk if you think your dog’s body heats up fast.
Papaya: Believe us or not, but papaya is the go-to fruit that your dog loves the most. Papaya’s content of vitamin K, C, E, and A makes it a super food for your dogs this summer. Papayas not only strengthen your dog’s immune system but also ensure healthy digestion, which is crucial during summers. However, chop the seeds before feeding as the seeds may cause intestinal blockage if fed accidentally.
Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are healthy food and natural for your dogs. As potatoes are the safest food to have in summers, sweet potato content of B6, C, A, and a high dietary fibre makes it an ideal and soothing treat for the dogs.
Cucumber: Cucumbers are an ideal summer food and a super food for dogs that are low on sugar content and carbohydrates. This makes it a suitable snack for obese dogs to maintain their weight without worrying about putting on calories along with enjoying the bounty of vitamins B1, B7, C, and K along with potassium, magnesium, and copper.
Chia seeds: Yes, dogs like chia seeds too. Rich in calcium, vitamin A, and many other essential vitamins and minerals, chia seeds account for the top-most super food for your dog. However, do not feed the seeds directly to your dog. Start with a minimum quantity like a teaspoon and add it to a bowl of yogurt or lassi before feeding. You may contact your vet if you want to increase the measure gradually depending upon your dog’s other health conditions.
Ice cream and popsicles: A most loved summer treat, Ice cream, and popsicles can be given to dogs but in moderation. As some dogs are sensitive to dairy products, this could cause gastrointestinal issues. Hence, it is ideal to give your dog ice cream in small quantities. Make sure the flavour is vanilla or mango, as chocolate is poisonous for dogs.
You can also give popsicles made from fresh fruits only. You can make them at home to avoid contents like xylitol, because such artificial sweeteners are toxic for dogs. Be watchful that your dog should not swallow the entire popsicle stick.
Foods that are a big no-no for your pooches:
- Grilled meats or bones may obstruct gastrointestinal tracts and lead to internal bleeding and haemorrhage.
- Fatty foods and foods containing spices, garlic, and onion. These are poisonous for dogs.
- Avoid pork due to its high-fat content.
- Chicken pieces should be in small sizes and cooking with a pinch of turmeric only. Make sure to remove all bones and smash the chicken before feeding for safe and healthy digestion.
Hence, We must say that pet care in summer needs more skills and attention to keep them healthy. All the best.