Skin care in Summer in the ‘Mask era’

Skin care tips in summer
Healthy skin is not an overnight process

Summers are harsh on our skin. And so is wearing a mask.Proper skin care in summer plays extremely important role in attaining beautiful skin. The unpleasant combination of summers and masks together has been deadly for us and our face.

Summers call for sweaty and damage-prone skin. During summers our skin produces excess sebum which leads to clogged pores and eventually acne and breakouts. Thanks to the surgical masks. These masks top up the game by clogging the skin pore further damaging the skin cells and elasticity.

To keep clear of this skin trouble, it’s is important that everyone should follow a basic skin-care regime in the morning and night. For clearer glowing skin, follow these basic ways to keep those pimples at bay.

Top 5 tips for skin care in summer

Drink plenty of water: Hydration is the key to keep yourself clean from inside and out. It can be considered best method of skin care in summer. Try to drink at least 3 litres of water every day for clearer and glowing skin. Drinking 2 glasses of water, first thing in the morning will protect your gut health, ultimately giving you clearer-looking skin. You can also try a variety of fruit juices early in the morning, or on empty stomach for naturally looking healthier skin and eliminate those acne marks.

Sweat it out: Exercising is one of the best medicines for your skin care in summer. The more you take away those bodily scums, the healthier you will be from inside. Sweating will also open up the skin pores which will release those impurities, giving you the clear and flawless skin you are looking for. You can also give a shot to early morning pranayama, Surya Namaskar, and headstands for better blood circulation throughout the face and body. This will stimulate your skin cells and speed up recovery for dead cells and skin.

Maintain a healthy skin routine: Skin care in summer requires proper regimen. You must follow the CTM routine to maintain healthy, flawless skin. Remove your face masks as soon as you get back home and wash your face with a ph-balanced face wash that suits your skin. Follow the CTM thereafter.

In the morning, wash your face with a mild face wash followed by a toner and a moisturizer. Do not forget to apply sunscreen in the morning, whether you are indoors or outdoor. Use sunscreen anything between SPF 30 and 50 for maximum protection. It is an added advantage if your sunscreen is SPF++. You can also use vitamin C serum in the morning to help prevent those suntans and shield your skin from the scorching heat.You can also use a night serum in your night care regime to give that glowing sheen on your face.

Avoid heavy make-up: Too much make-up in the summer mornings is absolutely a big no-no! Also, especially if you are out wearing a mask. The sweat inside your skin tends to clog those skin pores along with the make-up on top leading to cell destruction and losing the skin tenacity. This can damage your skin to a great extent causing multiple breakouts on your cheeks, nose, and chin.

Use cotton masks: Surgical masks, albeit are safe, it is better to avoid them in the summers. These masks are made with material that is not suitable for the face. As the skin of our face is extremely sensitive, these masks trigger several skin problems accompanied by heat and sweat. It is always better to use cotton masks instead of surgical masks or masks made of any other material to escape concerns related to the skin during summers. Other than this, you must consume a portion of healthy nutritious food to repair your body from within.

A sound diet coupled with a proper skincare routine would enable you to achieve the dream skin you are looking for.

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