How to stop hair fall? Tips to prevent hair loss.

How to control Hair fall?
Hair Care Tips

Hair fall is a common issue affecting youngsters these days. So, Do you know if your hair fall is more than normal?

Loosing upto 100 strands of hair a day is normal. As you loose these strands, new strands will grow to take the place of lost ones. There will not be significant difference. But, if a few or no strands grows after that and hairline gets receding, that is an issue.

Tips to control hair fall.

Take Vitamins: Lack of vitamins in body may also lead to excessive hair fall. Vitamins and minerals like A, B, C D, E, iron, zinc and amino acids deficiency can affect hair growth on major extent.

Eat extra protein: Protein is very important part of our diet. Consuming lesser protein than the daily requirement is also a reason of increased hair fall. Eating yogurt, milk, eggs, pulses can replenish your protein need. You can also take protein supplement to fulfill your daily need.

Maintain Good Hair and Scalp Care: Do not use harsh chemicals and colors if you are suffering from hair fall. This will increase the rate of shredding and stop the regrowth permanently. Wash your hair and scalp regularly to keep it clean.

Mediterranean Diet:  Following up diet having fresh herbs and raw vegetables may help to cut down the risk of androgenic alopecia. Consuming foods like basil, parsley, salad greens around more than thrice a week can give you better results of reducing hair fall.

Ginseng: Ginseng is also an important nutrient to control hair fall. It contains phytochemicals that may help in promoting hair growth on the scalp. Consult your doctor before taking any additional supplement to check if it is required by your body or not.

Coconut Oil: It has been studied that coconut may help in preventing hair damage from Ultraviolet rays and grooming. Coconut Oil has Lauric Acid which helps in binding protein present in hair. It also protects hair from breakage at the root. Massaging with coconut oil may increase blood flow in the scalp and help with hair regrowth.

Control Dandruff: Excessive dandruff also leads to hair loss. You can keep your scalp clean, use mild anti-dandruff shampoo to get rid of dandruff. Head massage with oil also helps in getting rid of dandruff.

Onion Juice: Onion juice has been considered effective in hair regrowth. Study shows that people with alopecia areata saw regrowth after the application of onion juice to their scalps. It was observed that onion juice can be very effective therapy for alopecia areata.

Exercises For Hair Growth

You can use many things to slow down or stop hair fall. But, it is important to know the reason behind hair loss. If the reason is known, it becomes easier to treat. Regular exercise helps in controlling hair loss. It increases blood flow throughout the body and deliver nutrients to hair. Do the following exercises to see better hair growth in natural way.

Yoga: Stress is a big reason for hair fall. Yoga can be very much helpful to cure hair loss caused by stress. Poses like Downward facing dog, Camel Pose, Shoulder Stand or Head Stand, Forward Bend etc may help you in stress relieving and prevent hair loss.

Head Massage: A Study in 2016 showed that a massage of minimum 4 minutes a day over the period of 24 weeks helped the hair to grow fast and also reduced the hair fall. We know that head massage feels extremely good, it should be adopted in our daily lifestyle.

Neck Exercises: It is the best way to increase blood flow to scalp. You can move your neck clock wise and anti-clockwise, this should be done 2-4 minutes a day. It will help in controlling hair loss.

Head Stand: Standing on your head with legs upside increases blood flow towards the scalp. It will increase the hair volume and keep it strong.

Jogging: We can do regular jogging early in the morning. Most of us neglect the pores present in our scalp. Jogging brings the sweat while running is very useful for hair growth.

Causes of Hair fall:

  • Excessive Stress
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Use of dyes and harsh products
  • Genetic Hair fall
  • Excessive Medication in some cases
  • Thyroid disease

If hair loss is persistent, you should see a doctor. Your doctor may help you to diagnose the cause behind the hair loss.

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