Exercise : 10 best foods for Post Workout diet

exercise diet and nutrition
Nutrition is the building block of Body

Exercise is the best medicine for healthy body because it helps in detoxification and new muscle building. Every time while workout there will be tiny tears created in muscles. Hence, our aim should be to have healthy diet full of nutrition. Good diet can get big muscles and fast recovery rate. The tiny tissues under our skin has extreme urge for foods that can heal them as soon possible. A healthy diet for gym beginners is essential in early phase. It can give better recovery results. We will discuss 10 best foods to consume after workout.

10 Best foods to consume after exercise

1. Protein: Whey protein is the fast digesting protein. It consists of essential and non-essential amino acids. These amino acids like leucine are building blocks of big muscles. After workout, our body needs almost double the amount of amino acids than required on non-workout days. Sixty minutes of window can be there to take protein after workout. One must consume 20 grams of protein within the 60 minutes of post workout period.It will give immediate spike in amino acids to speed up muscle recovery.

2. Milk: Researches shows that whole milk also helps in synthesis of muscle protein. So, milk is also an excellent option for muscle recovery. Whole milk boosts muscle recovery better than skimmed milk. The best combination is to blend “Casein Protein Powder” with milk. Skimmed milk can be a better option if you are cutting calories and burning fat.

3. Salmon: It consists of approximately 20 grams of very high quality protein per 100 grams. It also consists of Omega-3 fatty acids (also in flaxseeds). Salmon also increases testosterone level, lowers cortisol. It reduces muscle protein breakdown.  It helps in reducing muscle soreness after exercise.

4. Carbohydrates:  Consumption of carbohydrates after workout helps in reducing muscle protein breakdown. Our body increases insulin production in response to carbs consumption. This increase in insulin reduces the muscle protein breakdown. 80-100 grams of carbohydrates after workout are enough to reduce the protein breakdown. It can be found in foods like potato, rice etc. Eating carbs is a good option in case you are in bulking phase. Carbohydrate intake after workout helps in Glycogen re-synthesis which is source of energy in body.

5. Banana: These are an excellent source of electrolytes (Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Chloride). Our body loses electrolytes through sweat while exercise which needs to be replenished. These electrolytes are responsible for muscle recovery. Lack of electrolytes can cause muscle cramping. So, it is essential to take enough amounts of electrolytes. Banana is also good source of carbohydrates. So, It can be considered a good option after exercise.

The groundwork for a fit body is diet.

6. Eggs: Eggs have very high quality protein. They also have high content of Leucine which increases muscle recovery rate. An average egg contains 5 grams to 6 grams of high quality protein. It means we only need four to five eggs to meet twenty grams of protein requirement after exercise. You can have boiled eggs after finishing your exercise. It is better to have boiled eggs than raw eggs. Because 50% of protein if left undigested in small intestine if we consume raw eggs.

7. Oats: Oats can also be considered a good option of post workout food. Though, it does not give you all the essential amino acids. But, it can be consumed as a vegan food. You can combine oats with other foods to get additional nutrition.

8. Dry fruits: Dry fruits are also good option for the people going to Gym. Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, raisins, cashews gives high quality protein are clean source of energy. It consists of essential amino acids to enhance muscle recovery and boosts testosterone level.

9.  Avocado: It is extremely nutritious food. It contains 60 percent more electrolytes like potassium than banana. These are loaded with fiber which improves digestion and increases absorption of nutrients. Combine Avocado with other foods with proteins and carbs to get post workout meal. Researches have shown that Avocado also boosts Testosterone level which helps in increasing muscle size.

10. Water: Hydration is must after exercise. It is essential to replenish the liquid that we remove through sweat. Having water post workout is important for recovery. Deficiency of water in body reduces muscle growth. Water deficiency slows down muscle protein synthesis and increase protein breakdown. Lack of water reduces testosterone level and increases cortisol along with Nor-epinephrine (Stress hormone).


We must say that exercise is essential for everyone. But, muscle recovery also plays an important role in body building and maintaining health. This goal can only be achieved by consuming healthy foods for easy recovery. Healthy diet can act as boon for our body.

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