Coviself : First Indian Rapid Home Covid Test kit And Its Uses

Coviself by Mylab

Coviself is the first Indian home tests kit developed by Pune based “MyLabs Discovery Solutions” for covid-19. ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) has approved this kit for home testing of Covid Antigen. This launch can be a game changer in coronavirus testing at home. This kit is also known as Rapid Antigen Test kit. You can test yourself at home without stepping out of home.

Coviself kit is advisable to symptomatic people along with immediate contacts of positive cases, ICMR said. The ICMR has advised the users to download tha mobile application of coviself available on iOS and Android. The application helps to take a picture of the strip in the kit after completing the test process.

Features of the Coviself kit


Solution Filled Tube: This kit contains an intelligently designed tube which is filled with a solution. The solution inactivates the virus. It is designed in the way to control and contain bio-hazard.

Bio-hazard Bag: The kit also consists of a Biohazard Bag. The bag is for safe and easy dispose of components. It prevents further spread in case a person is positive.

Unique QR Code: This kit has Unique QR code which is extremely helpful in generating accurate report after the test has been done.

Safe Swab:  It has safe swab for sample collection. It is designed for bio containment.

How to store the Kit?

Keep the testing kit at room temperature. Keep it away from direct sunlight and children. Do not freeze any component of the kit. It is not advisable to use the test device after the expiry date. Do not open if you are not ready to use. Open when required.

How to use Coviself?

Test Preparation:

  • Wash your Hands properly. It is important to wash hands and dry it before starting the testing process.
  • Tear the packet and take out the components of the kit ready for the test.
  • Firstly, Open the Coviself App and fill the required details. All the credentials are mandatory as per the guidelines issued by ICMR.
  • Secondly, Open the packet and take out the test device or cassette. Thirdly,  Scan QR code on the test device for linking it to your credentials.
  • Now, Take out the Pre-filled buffer tube and tap it vertically on horizontal surface so that extraction buffer gets settled at bottom of the buffer tube.
  • Unscrew the cap of the tube. Hold it tightly so that liquid does not spill out.
  • Open the swab pack from tail end to take the swab out. Do not touch the head of swab as it may show inaccurate results.

Sample Collection:

  • Insert the swab into one nostril carefully. The tip of the swab should insert two to four centimetres inside the nostril or until there is resistance while inserting.
  • Now, Roll the inserted swab 5-6 times in the nostril and make sure that cells gets collected.
  • Repeat this same process with same swab inside other nostril. Make sure that sufficient sample is collected from both nostrils.
  • Take out the swab from nostril. The specimen is available for test. Use the testing buffer extraction provided inside the kit for test.
  • Dip the nasal swab in pre-filled extraction tube. Swirl the nasal swab ten to twelve times after immersing the swab in extraction buffer.
  • There is a break-point on the swab. Break the swab from the given break-point. Dispose the remaining of swab. Mix the swab well.
  • Close the tube with the nozzle attached cap and tighten the lid of tube.
  • Add two drops of the extracted antigen buffer solution into the nasal swab sample. Wait for 10-15 minutes for results.
  • Check the results after 20 minutes. It shows the positive results within 15 minutes. However, wait for 20 minutes for negative results to show. Results after 20 minutes are invalid.
  • Click the picture of test device. Wait for the application to display your results.

Test Results

Positive Results:  If you see both the control line “C” and detection line (T-Test line) is visible, covid-19 antigen is detected and positive results will appear.

Negative Results: If only “C” quality control line is visible and there is no “T” test line ,The results are negative.

Price of Coviself

Coviself kit can be purchased at Rs. 250/- per kit. This amount is justified as you can test at home without visiting test centers. Moreover, test reports will be available in 20 minutes which is efficient. It is the easiest method to know if someone is negative or positive for coronavirus. Therefore, It is affordable as compared to RT-PCR testes which costs around Rs. 500 to Rs. 2000 in different states.

Hence, we can say that Coviself kit is another benchmark in Indian contribution during pandemic after the launch of Covishield and Covaxin.

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