Covaxin or Covishield: Which is the best Covid19 vaccine?

Covaxin Vs Covishield
Stay Vaccinated, Stay Immune

What is Coronavirus? 

Coronavirus is a dangerous virus found in 2019, SARS-CoV-2. This virus with its spread of respiratory illness has shaken the entire nation, leading to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Covaxin and Covishield are two Indian vaccines approved by the government for protection from the virus.

People suffering from Covid-19 may experience symptoms from mild to severe category. Symptoms appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus.In addition, Anyone exposed to the virus may experience moderate to high fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; loss of taste or smell of recent onset; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; and diarrhea. People were eagerly waiting for vaccine.

How to stay safe from Coronavirus?

The novel Coronavirus is spreading rapidly from humans to humans through droplets of saliva or when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Older people with respiratory or any underlying cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer are highly prone to develop serious illnesses.

Till now no accurate medicines have been discovered to kill the virus and the infection. The only way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to follow measures that will stop the infection spread from one person to the other. Protect yourself and others by washing your hands at regular intervals, sanitize your hands using an alcohol-based rub, wear a mask whenever you are out, and avoid touching your face.

Covxin or Covishield vaccination for Covid-19

The vaccination drive against #Indiafightscorona is the largest ever vaccination initiative in the country critical to ending the Covid-19 pandemic. The government along with several institutes are working on trials towards the production of vaccines effective against Covid. Most medical practitioners are insisting on taking the vaccines, be it Covaxin or Covishield as both the vaccines have 80-90% efficacy in protecting against the virus. Even if you suffer from Covid post-vaccination, remember the vaccine will boost your immunity and you are likely to suffer from a milder form of the disease.

Scientists are now working on trials for the third dose of the vaccine. Until then, let’s find out about the vaccines: Covaxin and Covishield produced and manufactured in India to provide acquired immunity against Covid-19. A person who is 18+ years of age can receive any of these vaccine doses.

Covaxin OR Covishield


Covaxin is a Covid-19 vaccine developed by The Bharat Biotech to prevent Coronavirus disease. The Bharat Biotech vaccine is a vaccine with approval for use in an emergency that may prevent Covid-19. The doses of Covaxin are administered twice to be given 4 weeks apart into the deltoid muscle of the upper arm.

Let’s take a look at the composition of Covaxin:

Covaxin contains 6μg of whole-virion inactivated SARS-CoV-2 antigen (Strain: NIV-2020-770), and the other inactive ingredients such as aluminum hydroxide gel (250 μg), TLR 7/8 agonist (imidazoquinolinone) 15 μg, 2-phenoxyethanol 2.5 mg, and phosphate buffer saline up to 0.5 ml. The vaccine (Covaxin) thus has been developed by using inactivated/killed virus along with the aforementioned chemicals.

However, there are apprehensions if the SARS-CoV-2 antigen, which is prepared with the virus strain will give us Covid-19. Fortunately no, The Bharat Biotech Covaxin is an inactivated (killed) vaccine, hence, there is no chance of getting Covid-19 through this.

What should your vaccination provider know before you take the vaccine? 

It is important that you inform your vaccinator about your underlying medical conditions if you are on regular medication for any illness, for how long, and for which condition. However, you should avoid taking the vaccine if you suffer any of the following symptoms:

  • Any allergies
  • If you have a fever
  • In case you are on a blood thinner or have any bleeding disorder
  • If you are immunocompromised or are on a medicine that affects your immune system
  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • If you have received another COVID-19 vaccine

Avoid taking the second dose of Covaxn if:

  1. Firstly, if you had an allergic reaction to any ingredients of the vaccine or after the first dose.
  2. Secondly, if you are suffering from high fever or other acute infections.

Benefits of Covaxin

The clinical trials of Covaxin have shown positive outcomes in boosting immunity following both the doses at 4 weeks intervals. However, The phase 3 clinical trial of Covaxin is still ongoing with 25800 participants. As a result The analysis has shown 81% efficacy; the existing doses being administered have proved to be 80% effective so far. Therefore, you must follow other precautions related to Covid-19 to receive the best efficiency of the vaccine.

Side effects of Covaxin

Any medication will have its side effects. But the side effects of Covaxin are minimal. The reported side-effects are:

  • Injection site pain / Swelling / Redness / Itching
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Malaise/body ache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes


Serum Institute of India has developed a vaccine called as Covishield . It plays an important role to prevent Coronavirus disease. This vaccine will develop active immunization of individuals. It is administered to individuals aged 18 years and older as an intramuscular (IM) injection only, preferably in the deltoid muscle.

The Covishield vaccination course consists of two separate doses of 0.5 ml each with second dose between 4 and 6 weeks after the first dose. In other words, Experts have said that it is safe to administer the second dose up to 12 weeks after the previous dose. So, If you forget to take the second dose on time, seek your doctor’s advice on this. You must return for your second dose of the Covishield vaccine as your protective immune response will develop 4 weeks after the second dose of the vaccine.

However, the Covishield may not work for everyone who is taking the vaccine.

Let’s take a look at the composition of Covishield

The Covishield Vaccine is made of L-Histidine, L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, Magnesium chloride hexahydrate, Polysorbate 80, Ethanol, Sucrose, Sodium chloride, Disodium edetate dihydrate (EDTA),Water for injection.

Just like Covaxin, it is safe to administer Covishield as it does not contain SARS-CoV-2 and cannot give you Covid-19 infection through the vaccine. Moreover, It is important to be careful about taking Covishield with any other vaccine as there is no information for using the Covishield vaccine with other vaccines.

Inform your healthcare about these before taking Covishield if you:

  • ever had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) after any drug, food, vaccine, or reactions of the previous dose of the vaccine.
  • have a fever
  • are taking blood thinners or have a breathing disorder
  • have immunocompromised immune system or are on a medicine that affects your immune system
  • are pregnant or planning for a baby
  • have been doing breastfeeding
  • If you had another Covid-19 vaccine

Side effects of Covishield: 

The common effects that are affecting more than 1 in 10 people are:

  • Tenderness, pain, warmth, redness, itching, swelling, or bruising where the injected spot
  • Generally feeling unwell
  • Feeling tired (fatigue)
  • Chills or feeling feverish
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Joint pain or muscle ache

Not so common symptoms include: 

  • Feeling dizzy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Excessive sweating, itchy skin, or rashes

To Conclude about Covaxin or Covishield:

In conclusion, You must take either of the vaccines to stop the spread of Covid-19. Since both the vaccines are immunity boosters and have proven efficacy of 70% to 80%, it will help to reduce comorbidities and mortality rate on a larger scale. Not to forget to mask-up, continuous sanitization, and social distancing norms are crucial to combat Covid-19 sooner.Therefore, Covaxin or Covishield, The choice is Yours.

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