Benefits of flaxseed and flaxseed oil for hair and body

flaxseeds and flaxseeds oil for hair

Let’s talk about -The Flaxseeds. Many people use it in one or other form like roasted or flaxseed oil. Many of us are not familiar with the correct ways to consume these seeds. Grooming India brings to you the correct ways and best time to consume it. These seeds have ultimate health benefits if we consume in the proper way.

Flaxseeds are also recognized as linseeds, alsi. These are tiny seeds and most nutrient filled superfoods having hundreds of health benefits. These extraordinary seeds are known for their protective properties. It works as wonder for maintaining hormonal balance, weight loss many other health benefits that you might need. 

Flax seeds are full of nutrition. These are great source of fiber. It contains polyunsaturated fats, thiamine (vitamin b1), healthy monounsaturated fats, iron, calcium , Phytosterols, copper, magnesium, phosphorus antioxidants, p-courmoric acid, ferulic acid. It has essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants  to be added as a very health supplement to diet. 

Nutritional Information: 

Minerals & Vitamins: Flax seeds are excellent source of many minerals and vitamins like copper, molybdenum, Thiamine, phosphorus & magnesium.

Energy534 kcal
Sugar1.5 gms
Dietary Fiber27.5 gms
Carbohydrates29 gms
Nutrition Value per 100gm(Approx values)
Calories37 cal
Protein1.5 gms
Fiber1.9 gms
Carbohydrates2 gms
Healthy Fat3gms
Nutritional Value per TBSP (Approx values)

Vitamins build-in in flax seeds is very high. This includes 1.7mg Thiamine also known as vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) of 0.2mg,Vitamin B3 (Niacin)  : 3.0 mg, Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): 0.99 mg, Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg, Vitamin B9 (Folate) : 87μg, and also Vitamin C: 0.6mg.

Minerals include portions of Iron: 5.7mg, Potassium: 813 mg, Calcium: 255mg, , Phosphorus: 642 mg, Magnesium: 392 mg and Zinc: 4.34 mg 

Protein:  100 grams of flax seeds consist of 19% (19 gm) protein. The amino acid profile is nearly comparable to soybeans. It is an essential source of essential amino acids.

Carbohydrates and Fiber: These seeds are made up of 29% carbohydrates, 95% of which is healthy fiber. They’re very low in net digestible carbs (total carbs – fiber), which makes it a low-carb healthy food. 

Fat: These seeds have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, flax seeds contains lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 as compared to many other oil seeds. Because the lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids may reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Additionally, flaxseeds contain 42g fat with Saturated fat of 3.6g, Polyunsaturated fat of 29g, Monounsaturated fat of 7.5 gm, 6 gm of Omega‑6, 22.8g of Omega‑3 fat.

Flaxseeds provide cardiovascular benefits as it is richest source of Omega-3. It helps in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in blood. It also acts as an excellent regulator for nervous system and brain.

Benefits of Flaxseed:

 Flaxseeds provides numerous benefits to your heart health as helps in weight loss, kidney health. It helps in maintaining blood pressure, reduces asthma and also protects bones. These seeds may reduce the symptoms of menopause and PMS too. It may contribute in increasing the production of breast milk. Flaxseeds also include antioxidants which are cancer-fighting substances. Flaxseed Oil contributes to your healthy skin and lustrous hair. 

Heart Health: Flax seeds are Power House of Omega-3 is associated with multiple benefits for heart health. It is also a great source of protein with amino acids – glutamine and arginine. It also improves immunity.

Diabetes: Studies done on group with type 2 diabetes has found that consuming flaxseed had significant reduction in fasting blood sugar. 

Weight Management: Flax seeds are extremely low in carbs and high in healthy fats and protein which helps in managing weight.  

Blood cholesterol: Studies have found that regular consuming of flax seeds may lower down the cholesterol by 6–11%. High blood cholesterol is a known risk factor for heart problems. This is true for high level of oxidized LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Blood Pressure: Flaxseeds may also help in fighting heart disease by lowering your blood pressure, maintaining blood cholesterol, and increasing your levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Digestive Health: Flaxseeds are extremely high in fiber. It has 60-80% soluble fiber and rest 20-40% insoluble fiber. This makes it to swell and contributes in increasing the bulk of stool to prevent diarrhea. The insoluble fiber adds bulk to the digestive waste and act as a laxative in relieving constipation. It is a good source to boost gut health.

 Cancer: Various studies have shown that flax seeds may help to suppress the several types of cancer, such as of colon, breast, lungs, and skin.

How to consume flax seeds?

Firstly, you should never eat flax seeds in the raw form. Consume the roasted and grounded form of seeds and seeds should be stored in the fridge.

Second, avoid consuming whole flaxseeds and in large quantities. Whole flaxseeds are difficult to absorb by the body. The properties will be of no use for body. This can cause abdominal cramps and bloating. If you are a beginner, start having half a teaspoon and then gradually increase by 1 or 2 teaspoons daily. One should limit the consumption upto maximum 4 tspsns . 

How should you include it in your diet? 

Flaxseeds are best when consumed with any form of fats – like 

  1. Soup, salad, or any smoothie
  2. Cold/hold Breakfast Cereals
  3. With oatmeal
  4. Baked foods: like muffins, bread, cookies
  5. Extruded Products: Puffs, Macaroni ,Pasta
  6. Batters: for texture/ flavour
  7. Energy Bars 

Best time to consume flaxseeds 

The nature of flax seeds is warm, dry and heavy. It is more beneficial to consume it in winters than summer. Consuming it with water is not the healthy way of taking it

Who should avoid its consumption? 

  1. All patients having thyroid issue not consume flax seeds due to availability of phytic acid. This acid has properties to block a lot of nutrients like iodine, iron, calcium, copper, zinc etc. Cyanogenic glycosides may also lead to side-effects in thyroid patients by affecting the function of thyroid glands by release of thiocyanates formation in body. 
  2. In case you are having gastric issues, bloating, cramps and abdominal pain, then you must reduce the quantity of flax seeds consumption.
  3. If you are under medication, do consult your doctor before including it in your diet.

To end with, increase daily water intake during the course of consuming flax seeds will give various health benefits. 

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