Here are our top 10 health and fitness tips to keep the novel virus at bay:
New Covid cases are suddenly on the rise. If reports are to be believed, India has thousands new cases of Covid-19 everyday. As we see that India is still trying to come out of its ‘delicate’ Covid phase. Therefore, We need to take charge of one’s own physical fitness has become the need of the hour. Even though you have taken your Covid-19 vaccine, it is our fitness mantra that will eventually help us swim across the difficult times. Having a strong immune system in coronavirus can give you healthy body.
Do’s to enhance immune system
Regular exercise: Exercising is among the most crucial part of keeping yourself healthy, wealthy and wise. It is a scientifically proven fact that people who exercise regularly have less chance of contacting any disease because Keeping a check on your physical fitness is of paramount importance during this pandemic. Thirty minutes of daily workout like aerobic exercise, dance, core exercise is helpful. Power yoga will not only build up a strong immune system but also impart a robust physical and mental well being.
Fitness foods to eat: Consuming immunity power foods is more likely to boost your immune system and fight against infection. A good amount of vitamin C early in the morning can help you run fresh throughout the day. Foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin D will further enrich your dietary intake. Try consuming foods like green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, herbs, nuts and seeds. These are loaded with adequate fibers and nutrients. Packet and processed foods are a big no no!
Keep yourself hydrated: Hydration is important for healthy body and a healthy immune system. Health practitioners suggest drinking at least 3 litres of water every day because liquid diet like fruit juices and other health drinks may keep your hydrated throughout the day.
Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges, kiwi, strawberries, and pineapple are powerhouse of fibers and nutrients. Vitamin C rich fruits also enable your body to fight against virus by boosting your body’s immune system in coronavirus.
Adopt Natural Remedies
Meditation: Our mental health demands an equal amount of attention and affection. Staying indoors and working from home for long hours has been emotionally draining. Also, Meditating for at least fifteen minutes during the day is enough to get you moving all day long. A ten minutes of mindfulness meditation in the evening can also help you release those stress in no time.
Follow Ayurveda: Ayurveda is the most ancient form of healing and consuming Ayurveda herbs coupled with healthy diet will balance the human mind, body and soul. Also exercise prevent from all sorts of disease and manage stress effectively. Try having Tulsi, Turmeric, Amla, Licorice Root, and Cardamom to develop a powerful immune system.
Practicing Yoga and Pranayama: Yoga and Pranayama provides number of health benefits. Stretching yogas lower blood sugar level, improve metabolism, comforts internal organs, and eliminates other ailments. Pranayama like Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati and deep breathing for at least fifteen minutes early in the morning improves proper functioning of lungs. It removes toxins, improves oxygen level and blood circulation.
Music therapy: Your lifestyle speaks a lot about your health. Regular exercising along with a rich diet, and a soulful music therapy can definitely help you gain a healthy mind and body.
Dont’s to improve immune system
Avoid alcohol: To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to cut out on alcohol completely. Alcohol not only damages your lever but affects other internal organ systems too. This in turn debilitates your body’s immune system and its ability to fight against illness.
Avoid stress: Taking too much stress is not good for your physical and psychological well-being. Avoid taking any sort of stress. It may contribute to health issues like depression, anxiety, lower appetite, diabetes, blood pressure and other heart ailments. This is likely to make you susceptible to other disease as well.